Kaelyn shows our Olive Tree for Maya and a Vegetable Garden for Liliana
About This Site
After losing two daughters (Maya and Liliana) through first trimester miscarriages and throwing myself into research, we have now, as a family, embraced several lifestyle changes and found ourselves enlightened about how much more healthfully we can live. We considered ourselves pretty conscious and open to new ideas, but we are now more aggressively changing our ways and no longer ignoring and accepting the unhealthy options we face every day through publicity, popularity, and easy options. On this journey, I have encountered many others are interested and aware and would like to make changes too. Therefore, this blog will serve as a resource to others, although it will be based on my own journey and decisions. Because I have learned so much about my own health through of our two losses, I want to make other's journeys a little easier by providing the resources I have uncovered. And last but not least, I want to organize and provide this critical information to my daughter who lives and breathes our air every day - Miss Kaelyn. More of a blessing than I ever imagined, we owe it to her to ensure we live as long as we can, and provide her with good health to make her own journey as easy as possible.